Sapphire crackle cleaning

Based on a long experience in providing cleaning solutions in the fields of semiconductor and photovoltaics, RENA offers highly specialized solutions for the sapphire industry. Batch Clean is specially designed for handling and metal-cleaning of sapphire crackle.

Batch Clean machine in white
Batch Clean
  • Platform specially designed for sapphire crackle cleaning
  • Gentle material handling in baskets
  • High cleaning efficiency
  • Defined flow dynamics and exchange of chemistry
  • Open basket design with finely woven mesh
  • Forced convection and media exchange over the complete contend of the basket
  • Flexible process times

Gentle handling of the crackle is realized in baskets equipped with fine mesh. Dedicated basket design, defined flow dynamics in the bath and vertical oscillation of the baskets ensure convection and exchange of media leading to high cleaning efficiency of the sapphire crackle. Process fumes are safely eliminated by an efficient exhaust control system. The flexible and simple set-up of the cleaning line allows variation of process time and scalable throughput.

Theo Moissidis Head of Sales
VP Sales
Theo Moissidis
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