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February 28, 2023

New Leadership at RENA Technologies Austria GmbH

At the turn of the year 2022 / 2023 there was a change in management at RENA Technologies Austria GmbH: Ulf Spitzer as Managing Director / CEO and Martina Halmdienst as CTO succeed Dr. Wolfgang Hansal, who has been instrumental in developing the young Hirtisation® technology to that point. 

The new management consists of well-known faces who are very familiar with the AM market and the business of RENA Austria: Martina Halmdienst has already been the Technical Director of RENA AT and is one of the co-founders of the Hirtisation® technology. Ulf Spitzer is joining from the RENA Group where he lead the Corporate Development and has already been closely involved in the development of RENA AT as a unit in the past. 

The change in management structure is accompanied by a strategic expansion of post-processing service solutions at RENA’s location in Austria. The business with Hirtisation®-modules will also be further developed in close cooperation with our partners and industrial users.  

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