White machine RENA InOxSide 3 wet chemical single side etching automated processing equipment

Best-in-class solution for edge isolation, polishing and glass removal

The RENA InOxSide® 3 automated processing equipment is designed as an integrated solution for edge isolation, rear side polishing and doped glass removal of silicon solar cells. Using the process for lowest cost of ownership and best performance, the InOxSide® technology is the best choice for fabrication of Al-BSF, PERC and PERT silicon solar cells. It is based upon the RENA NIAK inline platform.

Features and Benefits

  • Fully automated wet chemical single side etching in an inline type process on 5/6 lanes
  • Single side emitter etching, rear side polishing and removal of doped glasses (PSG/BSG)
  • Uses HF/HNO3/H2SO4 for single side etching yielding the best-in-class Cost of Ownership (CoO)
  • RENA patented technology
  • Adjustable rear side etching: 1 to 5 µm, up to 6 µm with RENA PreCon option)
  • Integrated rinsing and drying of wafer
  • Throughput up to 6000 wafer/hour
  • Compatible with M0, M1, M2, M4, M6 and M12 wafer size
  • Long bath lifetime due to feed-and-bleed function
  • Accurate dosing system for constant bath composition
  • Uses O-ring free roller design
  • Lowest breakage rate in industry
  • Based on RENA NIAK inline processing platform
  • High uptime
  • Easy maintenance


  • MES interface (SECS/GEM)
  • Media cabinet for chemical supply
  • Waste pump station for chemical drain / waste water
  • Sensors for process control (e.g. pH, conductivity)
  • RENA RaPID (RENA anti-PID solution)

Product Video

Michael Vees Sales Director Solar
Sales Director Solar
Michael Vees